Breaking News


Ipapnews/SadiaSpace is a media news portal which is managed personally by Admin ipapnews. Ipapnews/SadiaSpace made on 07 June 2017.

Ipapnews/SadiaSpace presents news in text form or as well as, photo. Ipapnews/SadiaSpace also presents news on:

  • Business
  • Area
  • National
  • International
  • Regional Infographics
  • Focus News
  • and many other news

Increases the absorption of information society
Uphold the truth among the people


In addition, we also strive to write the news with not much copy paste of another news portal website. We will be absorbed properly and correctly in truth news that circulated especially in serious trouble within the community in order to trust the quality and quantity of news that is in Ipapnews/SadiaSpace

And we have a vision and mission to improve the quality of the presentation of our news:
Presenting breaking news, recent and can attract people to read the information present in the community but not in ketahuinya, presenting news in the truth to the public to reduce confusion among the community.